My darlings,

Welcome to the first edition of the Millennial Astro Weekly newsletter! Woop woop! 🥳🥂 Raise your glasses for the beginning of this fantastic project and buckle up, it’ll be a wild ride!

The plan is simple: one weekly newsletter to keep you informed of all things astrology. On top, I’m challenging myself to tame my Gemini soul and finally (hopefully) continue with one project for more than 2 weeks. Quite ambitious, I know!

Today we’ll talk about the Sagittarius Season, the most important astrological aspects of the week, and Moon natal placements & transits.

Enough blabber, let’s dive right in.


♐︎ Sagittarius Season

We’ll kick off this week's newsletter by talking about Sagittarius Season (November 22 to December 21). December starts with Sun at 9 degrees of Sag, so we’re already 8 days into this adventurous sign.

Often known as the wanderer of the zodiac, Sagittarius has no time to rest! These free-spirited natives love their freedom, and independence, and are on a quest to learn the secrets of the world 📚 while having a good laugh about it with their friends.


Ruled by Jupiter ♃, Sag peeps are generous, fair, and honest. They can be a liiiiitttlee over the top sometimes, but hey, breaking social rules sometimes can be fun, right? 😉 No doubt that their exuberant humor can get them into trouble, but Sags aren’t really bothered by it. They'll rather speak their minds than hold back and play by the book.

The month of December is an excellent time for all the fire signs (Aries, Leo & Sag) to embark on a new adventure, cultivate their minds and push the limits.

But not only fire signs can have a good time. Everyone could use some of the legendary Sagittarius optimism and humor, especially this year when things seem to be out of control and mental health is a hot topic around the Internet.

So don't be afraid to dive inside your soul and unleash the power of positive thinking, embrace expansion, and give yourself some much-needed joy and thrills. So what if it's already December, you still have time to turn 2020 around if you put your mind to it.

Sagittarius keywords: optimistic, joyful, adventurous, intellectual, fair, restless, generous, wise.


Astrology of the week

While the Sun enjoys the party in Sagittarius, Moon transits Gemini, Cancer, Leo & Virgo this week (I’ll explain later, keep on reading).

Mercury leaves secretive Scorpio and rushes into expansive Sagittarius on the same day, while Venus remains in Scorpio, and Mars in Aries. Capricorn continues to be the home of generous Jupiter and slow-moving Saturn until December 17 when Saturn ingresses into Aquarius (the topic of next week’s newsletter).

Let’s take a closer look:

✰ December 1: Mercury goes into Sagittarius

We’ll feel some serious Sag vibes with both Sun & Mercury transiting this sign. Mercury represents communication, the mind, and the way you process your thoughts. This is a wonderful time to be more confident and optimistic. Keep an open mind and good things will follow.

Excellent transit for reading a book or watching a documentary on a new subject, or diving into anything that expands your horizons, really. Sagittarius loves to learn new stuff so what better way to honor this transit than to cultivate your mind?

✰ December 5: Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Good transit to develop empathy, share cuddles, daydream, and make art. This aspect takes place in water signs (Scorpio & Pisces), so it's a good time to dive into your unconscious, process your feelings, and open up the power of your imagination. Dream big but stay grounded and be aware of excessive idealism. Embrace your feelings, and don't push them down. Bottling up emotions is never healthy.

Get a notebook and pick up journaling. Doodle, paint and sing in the shower. This harmonious aspect of Venus & Neptune favors the arts, including music (some classical music before going to sleep?) and poetry, and also romantic connections. 💖

Keep on reading for Moon’s weekly transits & interpretations.


☽ Over the moon

The Moon is the fastest-moving planet in astrology (yes, it’s considered a planet, even if in fact the Moon is the Earth’s satellite) so it changes placement every two days or so. It takes 28 days to complete an entire cycle (move through the zodiac). In contrast, Pluto takes 248 years to complete a cycle!

Many things on the Earth are highly influenced by the movement of the moon, including the tides, time, migration of birds, and many more. Here are some 13 nuggets of lunar knowledge from National Geographic and more from BBC on how the moon can influence people’s moods.

Pretty woo woo? You haven’t seen anything yet!

In natal astrology, The Moon represents your emotions, feelings, and the way in which you connect with the people around you and the world in general.

The placement of the Moon in your birth chart (basically the screenshot of the sky on the day you were born) is the key to your emotional health. It describes your most profound emotions and shows you the way toward balance and happiness.

Curious to know more? Use this calculator to identify your natal Moon placement.

Weekly Lunar Transits

This week will start with the Moon in Gemini 👬🏻, which will then ingress into Cancer 🦀 towards the middle of the week. Then it’ll progress in Leo 🔥 on Saturday, and finish off the week in Virgo 👩.

Here’s what these transits mean and how they can influence your week:

Moon in Gemini: December 1 & 2

Good time to get curious and explore new hobbies. You might feel easily distracted and have a million thoughts at once. That's OK, it happens to all of us. Don’t hesitate to text your friends and catch up. Communication is heightened since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the ancient gods.

Depending on where you live (and what restrictions you must respect), you can go on a short trip. Maybe hit the cinema in the neighboring town? That must be fun!

Moon in Cancer: December 3 & 4

You may feel like staying indoors, cooking for yourself or your family, and nesting. Cancers are homebodies and they love to take long baths, bake cakes and curl up on the couch to watch light-hearted movies. Your imagination will be more active, and you might experience an increase in sensibility. Relax. Breathe.

Moon in Leo: December 5 & 6

Make some noise for the king of the jungle! Leo is noisy and *loves* attention. So don’t hold back on posting those #Throwback beach photos on Instagram! Dance around your living room, get into a good mood, and call your friends to make bad jokes together. Go clubbing or have some (safe) fun (if you can!). Throw me a Millennial Astro launch party? Please send pics!

Moon in Virgo: December 7

Your critical self might kick in and you’ll want to analyze things. Beware of too much criticism and negativity. Puzzles, riddles, crosswords - they have nothing on you! Good time to improve your daily routine, pick up a healthy habit, or start decluttering your closet.

Bonus: this article from explains the phases of the moon and how they influence your day-to-day life.


That’s all folks! Now go back to your Millennial Astro launch party. Make it a good one! See you next week on December 8 ✨

Stay safe and stay happy!