Unicorns 🦄,

Welcome to the 2nd edition of our weekly newsletter! This week we're going to talk about the Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, a rare celestial event that marks the beginning of a new Air Era which will last 200 years.

We'll be moving next to breaking down the astrology of the week and finish off by explaining how you can make the most out of the New Moon in Sagittarius.

Let's dive right in.


☌ The Great Conjunction

2020 was a hell of a year, with a lot of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn vibes.

After experiencing many restrictions, a sudden change of reality, fear of how tomorrow could look like, isolation, and mental health challenges, many are looking out with optimism and excitement toward 2021.

However, before we jump into the new year, there is one more thing to unfold. After being in Capricorn for the last 2.5 years, Saturn gets ready to enter Aquarius on December 17. Jupiter will closely follow on December 21.

Saturn ♄ and Jupiter ♃, the furthest visible planets in our Galaxy, will meet in the sky on December 21, at 0.1 degrees of Aquarius . This amazing celestial event is called a Great Conjunction and also coincides with the Winter Solstice. This is the most anticipated event of 2020 thanks to its long-lasting effects on humankind.

This is a very rare alignment, and luckily, it can be easily observed from the Earth. Here’s a live stream from Lowell Observatory to bookmark if you plan a watch party with your friends. The next time when these two planets will be so close it’ll be on March 15, 2080, so it’s worth it taking the time to witness the conjunction now. 🔭

In astrology, a conjunction is an aspect that takes two energies and blends them together. However, this is not just another Great Conjunction (called Great thanks to Saturn & Jupiter significance in astrology), but a much more special phenomenon called a Great Mutation.

Saturn and Jupiter meet in the sky every 20 years, and for the past 200 years, their conjunctions were taking place in Earth signs, which means we had an Earth Cycle. This will come to an end at the end of this year.

For the next 200 years, Saturn and Jupiter will meet in Air Signs. 21 December marks the official beginning of a new Air Era.

Saturn represents the archetype of the Great Teacher, while Jupiter is known as the Great Benefic. Saturn restricts while Jupiter expands. Saturn signifies order, commitment, and solid structures. Jupiter is expansive, has a positive energy, and seeks evolution, not regression. Saturn says NO, whereas Jupiter has few limits.


Here’s what to expect:

  • This conjunction is taking place in Aquarius, which is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter is not in the best shape it could possibly be, being held under control by Saturn, but we can expect an improvement in comparison to the beginning of 2020 when Jupiter was at its worst in Capricorn.
  • The effects of the conjunction will slowly unfold for the upcoming 200 years. There will be no fireworks, but we are entering a transitional period in which you can expect a change in the way we see society and the collective. This conjunction takes place in Aquarius, a sign usually defined by ideas, large groups of people, and the human consciousness. The next 200 years will force us to reconsider old structures and find new (and unconventional) ways of growing as a race.
  • In the short term, things will start to pick up for the better and Jupiter promises a better future. More so when Jupiter goes into Pisces in May 2021 and then at the end of the year; will that be the end of the pandemic? everyone asks. Time will tell, but most probably yes. 😉
  • Technology will further develop to offer us even more sophisticated machines, tools, and algorithms, to use. The Internet already rules our lives and we can expect it to extend its reach even more. We’ll see more regulation for the Big Tech companies, but as we already know, this will not stop them to expand, grow, and become an integral part of our lives. Our grandchildren will probably laugh at the lack of tech sophistication we have today. Flying cars? AI? Robots? It’s just the beginning.
  • Disruption to the financial markets thanks to a square to Uranus in Taurus, which signals a financial crisis to follow (as a result of the pandemic). People will rethink the way they interact with their banks. Fintech, Bitcoin, more virtual currencies, cashless societies. The current disruption to office life as we knew it is likely to continue and change the way we work for good.
  • Environmental concerns and activism are on the rise; Uranus shakes the ground under us and the wisdom of Aquarius will force us to find new solutions to old problems so we can keep on inhabiting the Earth.

Pluto is within 8 degrees behind Saturn & Jupiter, which means that the (re)construction of the society will not be a smooth process. We can expect increased surveillance, manipulation (especially through media and tech), and even totalitarianism vibes. Pluto is obsessed with power and control, and we’ll probably see more extremist movements within society and/or governments.


Astrology of the week (December 8 - December 14)

This week we’re looking at 3 aspects.

✰ December 9: Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

You can feel unmotivated and low-energy. Work is not something you’d like to do today (hello pre-holiday vibes). Neptune will soften us up, then soak us in a bath of tears. Take good care of your mental health today. Meditate, talk to a friend, and do simple self-care acts. Be careful not to go overboard with your alcohol consumption. One Margarita is ok, ten is not. 🤷

✰ December 11: Sun in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries

Great time to start a new project, especially if it’s related to education, travel, or philosophy. Sagittarius sends us optimism while Mars in Aries gives us a little push to finally start. This is a high-energy transit, so make the best of it and be active!

✰ December 13: Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Challenging transit for good communication. This transit will make it hard to conduct business negotiations, so think twice between shaking hands. Neptune is a master at making you feel confused, anxious, and insecure. Conspiracy theories may catch your attention so be careful what you end up reading.


☽ New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

On December 14, we’ll have a new moon/ lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This will bring up themes related to pushing your limits, embracing a new form of education (e.g. making plans to start a new course), expanding your wings, and taking off into the world.

You might end up planning all your 2021 vacations (Sag loves to travel!). Take in more optimism and dare to bring some adventure into your life. ✈️


That’s all folks! Thanks for showing up and see you next week on December 15.

Stay safe and stay happy! ✨