The past 12 months challenged us with a supreme test in terms of resilience, self-control, and patience. The mind-blowing stellium between Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn proved that it is indeed a force to be reckoned with. With a global pandemic on our hands, numerous tests to democracy, social uprising and increasing activism, and a deep need to reform and heal the society as it is today, we have a lot of work to do in 2021.

And although the upcoming year looks a lot brighter than the frightening 2020, it doesn't come without its own challenges. Saturn and Jupiter began their transit through Aquarius, marking the start of a new Air Era which will last for the next 200 years. This powerful Conjunction is set to rebuild the broken parts of society, bring the people together in one collective force, and revolutionize how governmental and corporate systems work.

Uranus in Taurus will not make things easy though, with its three exact squares to Saturn in February, June, and December. Moreover, Mars, the planet of War, is getting ready to meet this unpredictable and explosive Uranian force in January. On top of this, three periods of Mercury retrograde await, and they will, for sure, make things confusing and complicated.

There are reasons to be hopeful and optimistic, though. We’ve survived the difficulties of 2020, so get ready to rise and embrace the future. Read on to learn what 2021 has in store for you based on your Rising Sign and comment below to let me know what plans and hopes you have for the upcoming year.

How to Read the Predictions

These predictions are best read by Rising Sign/Ascendant. The Rising Sign is calculated by using the hour of your birth. Check your birth certificate or call your parents to find out at what time you first saw the light of this world. It’s important to be as precise as possible since the Ascendant changes sign every two hours or so.

Calculate it here ➔  What’s my Ascendant?

After you learn what your Ascendant is, head down below and read the forecast for that particular sign. You can also read your Sun Sign predictions (the sign everyone knows, calculated by the day of your birth). However, bear in mind that Rising Sign/Ascendant predictions are a lot more accurate in my experience.