Kittens 🐱,

Welcome to astrology on steroids!

This week we have A LOT to unpack. The following transits will set the tone for 2021. We have Saturn entering Aquarius in two days (also a Great Conjunction next week), Venus having a party in Sagittarius, and Jupiter breaking free from Capricorn. 🎉 2020 is almost over and it will go out with a BANG.

In this edition, we'll also talk about what a Saturn Return is. Growing up at 29 is not too late! No time to waste, so let’s jump right in.


Saturn ♄ enters Aquarius ♒︎

Let’s start with the serious stuff first.

The heavyweight of astrology, Saturn, is getting ready to leave the sign of Capricorn on December 17, after first entering this earth sign in December 2017. This ingression will happen only days before The Great Conjunction, a celestial event that marks the start of a new Air Era. Saturn will stay in Aquarius until March 7, 2023.

What does this mean for the world?

  • If Saturn in Capricorn brought restrictions, and rules, and wanted us to learn how to deal with structures, Saturn in Aquarius will make us play a very different game. Saturn in Capricorn was preaching from the top down, while Aquarius gives the power to the people. The change lies within each of us and this time the Universe wants you to do something about it. Waiting for *someone* to do something is no longer acceptable.
  • Some optimists have called this a New Renaissance: Saturn in Capricorn brought out the ugliness in us - misuse of power, materialism, corruption at a state level, and selfishness. Aquarius is set to rebuild society and government by using vision, technology, and respect for the collective. Aquarius seeks to bring people together by sharing ideas and uncovering the truth, no matter the costs.
  • However, Saturn is still in his own home in Aquarius, so this will not be a speedy process. Saturn is the master of time and he loves to teach patience, self-control, and perseverance. The world is in need of a revolution of old and obsolete beliefs, and Aquarius thinks that these need to be replaced with forward-thinking, democratic ones. It will take a while for these to crystalize, but we have every chance to succeed.
  • We’re on the verge of a new Era, therefore discussing Saturn in Aquarius without The Great Conjunction between Saturn & Jupiter on December 21 is simply unacceptable 🤷. This amazing event will take place on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.

The alignment between Jupiter & Saturn it’s a cyclical event which happens every 20 years. However, the last time when these two planets were so close (only 0.1 degrees apart) was 1226 and Genghis Khan was wreaking havoc across Asia. You’ll have to wait until 2080 to see this happening again.


What to expect on a personal level

  • If you are an Aquarius, Saturn will be conjunct to your Natal Sun

You'll transition through a period of frustration, limitations, and restrictions. This is a time of reflection and acknowledgment. It’s time to let go of people or things that no longer serve your journey, even if it’s a painful and sad process.

You’ll reap what you sow, so this is the perfect moment to work hard and establish yourself as a reliable, trustworthy, responsible individual. Focus on major projects and think about what you wish to accomplish in the longer term.

You’ll feel tired, low-energy, and isolated at times, but patience and time will help you overcome any obstacle. Pay attention to your mental health and don’t let depression & anxiety take control.

When to expect the transit to hit *Important dates, write these down*

✰ If you are born between 20 & 29 January: transit was already active from March to July 2020 (during the first lockdown), and has been activated again in December 2020 and it will last until March 2021. The last wave will be from July to December 2021.

✰ If you are born between 30 January & 8 February: you can expect the effects of this transit between March & August 2021, December 2021 to March 2022, and September 2022 to December 2022.

✰ If you are born between 9 & 18 February: transit is active between March & September 2022 and between December 2022 to March 2023.

✰ If your natal Saturn is in Taurus or Scorpio: Saturn will square your natal placement by March 2023. This transit repeats once every 7 years.

✰ If your natal Saturn is in Leo: Saturn will be opposite natal Saturn by March 2023. The decisions you made in the last 14 years will now come to fruition.

(Natal Saturn = the placement where Saturn was at the moment of your birth. This is not your zodiac sign! Calculate it here).

✰ If you are born between February 6, 1991, to May 21, 1993, and June 30, 1993, to January 28, 1994….you’ll have your Saturn Return. Read below what that means.


Saturn Return and the lessons you need to master

If you are around 29 years old, buckle up, it’s time to grow up.

Saturn takes around ~29 years (cycle length might vary) to return to the exact place it was at the time of your birth. Astrologers believe that this is the first *real* maturity test one person needs to take to become a fully functioning adult. Play your cards right and you’ll leave your 20s with more wisdom, insight, and acceptance than ever before.

The Saturn return is a period of around approx. 2/3 years in each you’ll have major obstacles to overcome. During this period, there is no sweeping under the carpet. Saturn is the Great Teacher and wants you to show up and make an effort to learn and grow. This is the time when you learn how to take on responsibility, pay your bills on time, and learn how to live within the structures of society.

This transit will bring the need for discipline and order into your life. You might question the way you live and be faced with anxiety, frustration, or even depression. This is a time of deep introspection, soul searching, and long-term planning. Get rid of the things that no longer serve your journey and embrace long-lasting change.

The Saturn return is your coming-of-age, a deeply transformational transit that will set you up for the next phase of life. Depending on where Saturn is at the time of your birth, different areas of your life will be lit up. For some, it may be their careers, for some their family, friends, or even health.


Astrology of the Week 15/12- 21/12 ⭐

This week we have Jupiter & Venus entering new signs.

✰ Jupiter enters Aquarius 💡

Expansive, generous, jolly ♃ Jupiter finally breaks free from Capricorn and enters Aquarius on December 19. Jupiter in Aquarius values freedom, innovation, and independence.

After 2020’s pessimism and restrictiveness, we are finally getting a glimpse of how the new world might look like. This transit builds anticipation of what Jupiter in Pisces might bring later in 2021, as the planet regains strength after this challenging year.

Jupiter in Aquarius pushes the limits and wants you to break free of old restrictions, and find an alternative path. This transit favors rebels, people fighting for a cause, the ones who are not scared to try something new and different.

You might start searching for a higher purpose. Let yourself be inspired by new ideas, don’t be afraid to think outside the box, dare to let go of the past, and go out there and find your tribe.

✰ Venus enters Sagittarius 🔥

♀️ Venus, the planet of love, lust, and money enters naughty Sagittarius today, December 15, and it will take us for a wild ride until January 7, 2021.

The powerful combo will make you crave steamy dates and hot sex. Sagittarius is a true explorer, so nothing is off the menu. No matter how conservative you are, this is the perfect time to let go and have some fun. You might find yourself flirting with the cute guy from the grocery store, texting with these cool people on Tinder, or reuniting with an old lover.

Take advantage of these amaaaziiing vibes and don’t be afraid to live to the fullest. All is fair in love and war. 💖


Capricorn Season is almost here!

Happy Solar Return, my cold-hearted ambitious darlings! 🥳🎉

Sun leaves behind the sign of Sagittarius on December 21 and enters the most ambitious sign of the zodiac: Capricorn. The next weekly issue will be dedicated to you. We’ll also cover Mercury entering Capricorn on December 20.

Until then, thanks for being awesome, showing up again, and see you next week on December 22.

Stay safe and stay happy! ✨