
Raise your glasses to Capricorn Season! Yesterday the mighty Sun ☉ left adventurous Sagittarius behind and moved into the sign of Capricorn ♑. Read on to discover how to make the best out of the next month.

Happy Solar Return, my Cappies 🥂

Also, I have a BIG announcement so keep on reading.


Capricorn Season

It’s finally here to kick you in the balls: Capricorn Season started yesterday, December 21, and will last until January 19, 2021. The joke is over, it’s time to get down to earth and start making all those ambitious plans happen. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, patience, resilience, and lessons-to-be-learned. What a fun sign!

Capricorns love to take their destiny into their own hands. People born under this sign are meant to climb the highest mountains. The road is not always fun, but Capricorn is determined to reach its destination and achieve all of its dreams, no matter how big (read: crazy) it might seem.

In pop culture, Capricorns are often seen as these cold-hearted, workaholics, patronizing individuals. While that’s not entirely true, there is some truth in there. Capricorns don’t like to waste time with frivolous things and they like to be in control. They are extremely resourceful and can literally turn shit into gold if they want to. Stubbornness is at times holding them back, but nobody is perfect!

Capricorn keywords: ambitious, hard-working, realistic, disciplined, independent, responsible, headstrong, efficient.

How to make Capricorn’s energy work for you:

  • Start doing: if you have any plans that were on hold for some time now, take advantage of this Saturnian energy and make your move. It doesn’t have to be grandiose. Capricorn loves consistency and perseverance more than anything so make it a habit to show up for your dreams and do something about it every day. Baby steps.
  • Reflect on this year: Capricorn has a contemplative, introverted energy, which you can use to look back and do your 2020 personal review. Despite the world going absolutely crazy, what were the lessons you learned? What did you accomplish and what will you take with you into 2021? (here’s a nice list of questions you can use from Institute of you.)
  • Make 2021 plans: Capricorn is highly pragmatic, so take advantage and start planning. What do you wish to achieve by the end of next year? What are your goals and how can you turn them into something tangible? People usually overestimate how much progress they can make within one year, so cut down on that list and decide which what projects or areas of your life deserve the most attention. And no, having 10 priorities won’t work. Trust me, I’m a Capricorn. 🤷
credits: ourmindfullife.com

2021 Predictions

I have EXCITING news! 😍

Next week I’m releasing the Millennial Astro Special: 2021 Predictions. So if you’re curious to know what will the major themes of your life be in 2021, subscribe to make sure you don’t miss it.

This comprehensive analysis will highlight all the major trends next year for all zodiac signs. My email goes out next week, December 29.

💫 Saturn in Aquarius (Dec 21, 2020 - March 7, 2023)

This is a transit that will impact society in the longer term. We'll be transitioning to a new Aquarian reality. Intellectual aspirations will slowly replace the old materialistic ideals and values. At the same time, the rigid structures of control, government & public administration will lose ground to a more power-to-the-people approach. That doesn’t mean we’re all going to turn flower power or anarchists overnight. However, it means that we are ready to shake down beliefs that no longer suit us, and believe we truly can change what is broken within society, and evolve.

Saturn in Capricorn (Dec 19, 2017 - Dec 21, 2020) has taught us how to play by the rules, showed us what restrictions really are, and crushed our wings by forcing us to be present in the moment and deal with our problems. We have learned how to be resilient and reserved, but now it's time to learn how to foster new ideas and be brave enough to start something new.


🎅Merry Christmas, everyone!

Only 3 days until Christmas! Oh boy, time does fly.

As always, thanks for reading and I'll be seeing you next week to discuss the amazing astrology of 2021, but until then…

Stay safe & stay happy, unicorns!