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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising ♒

2021 is the year to start a personal revolution, Aquarius. This is the time to hit the reset button and reorganize your life. Out with the old. You are being presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape yourself, your world, and your entire existence. After a difficult 2020, with a lot of pressure from a heavy Capricorn accumulation of energies in your house of hidden enemies, mental health & isolation, now you are faced with a true rebirth. It’s your duty to shine this year!

With Saturn transiting through your house of self, you need to take matters seriously related to your identity, body, physical appearance, personality and attitudes toward life. This is the start of a process of redefining yourself and who you are on this earth. This is not only the time to reflect but also the time to take action and start working towards your ideal self. Saturn is not making things easy, so you can expect challenges, obstacles, and all kinds of setbacks, but keep in mind that you, and you only, are in charge of your life. You are your biggest enemy, so this is the time to work on your mindset.

Jupiter is also transiting along with Saturn, which will help you stay positive, and true to yourself, and make you expand your areas of interest even more. Jupiter will be giving you a healthy dose of confidence and the courage to dare for more.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus in Taurus sits in your house of family and home. This is a long transit (ending in 2015) that is set to disrupt your family and living situation. This will take a while to unfold, but you can expect sudden and unexpected changes in your residence. You can move across the country, decide to sell your house, or abruptly decide to start many home improvement projects (although it remains to be seen if you finish them or not). Also, there can be changes in how you view your family or even who your family truly is.

During February, June, and December, watch out for the effects of a tense aspect between Saturn and Uranus. This will put pressure on who you are and where you live, bring up questions regarding your true identity and your relationship with your family or their own beliefs of who you should be or what you should do with your life.

The North Node sits in the house of creative expression and love this year. Aquarius, you need to explore ways to be more creative. Try out new hobbies, especially around using words. Writing, blogging, reading, acting, or public speaking can all be good choices for you to unwind and have some fun. In 2021, focus on being present for yourself, not for other people. Your social circles and little parties are very appealing to you, but how about you take some time off from superficial socializing and find out what you really enjoy in life?

Jupiter will briefly touch your house of money and material possessions (May 13 - July 28), which is extremely good news. You may find new streams of income, monetize a passion, or finally start your own gig. Money will flow your way. This is a preview of a bigger transit that will fully unfold in 2022.

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