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Aries & Aries Rising ♈︎

2021 is the year to rethink social connections. If 2020 was heavily focused on your career and professional life, bringing struggles and challenges at work, this year, you’ll feel a lot more relaxed at the office. Saturn and Jupiter left that area of your life behind and are now transiting through your house of social connections and networks, looking to change how you relate to other people.

You’ll want to revisit friendships, let go of those that no longer align with your values, and lay a new foundation for your social life. Saturn will bring anxiety and tension to your relationships. At the same time, Jupiter will guide your steps, and help you find better friends and acquaintances in the end. Saturn will want to reduce your social circle, but the expansive influence of Jupiter will serve as a counterbalancing force and help you make new connections that can help you achieve your goals.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is transiting through your house of possessions, money, and values until 2026. This is a radical transit that will disrupt the way you make or relate to money and physical assets. This year, through three exact squares to Saturn, you may find yourself in a delicate position regarding money and friends (in February, June & December). Uranus will challenge you to rethink your values regarding the material world. You can get financially stuck or in a delicate situation that occurs without prior notice.

Mars also joins Uranus in the house of money in early 2021 (Jan 6 - Mar 2). This energy will be very explosive and active. It’s best to be careful, weigh the pros and cons, and resist impulsiveness if you’re taking major financial decisions during the first quarter of 2021.

Between May 13 and July 28, Jupiter moves briefly in Pisces and highlights your house of isolation and separation, bringing feelings of loneliness. Be mindful of your mental health during this period and invest time in activities that bring you joy, even if you are doing them on your own. This will be a recurring theme that will resurface at the end of 2021 and in the first part of 2022. Use this time to start a spiritual practice, go to counseling, and take better care of your overall health.

The North in Gemini is lighting up your house of communication and short travel. 2021 is about challenging old beliefs and living life with increased curiosity and desire to explore the world around you. You may dip your toes in writing, blogging, creating content on the Internet, or any form of media communication that can help you deliver a message across. Take short trips to explore places nearby or organize weekend gateways with close friends or siblings. Being spontaneous is fun and will bring a smile to your face.

Learning and investing in your education is hugely supported in 2021. Expand your areas of interest to new subjects that will positively stimulate your mind. You may start an online course or find a group of people to share a newly discovered passion with.

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