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Cancer & Cancer Rising ♋

2021 is a year of reflection. The North Node in Gemini highlights your house of spirituality, self-undoing, isolation, and dreams. This is the time to meditate, break out from old and toxic patterns, and be more aware of what you welcome into your life. Taking care of your mental health and making sure you nourish your soul with things that matter to you is very important this year.

Read, write, spend time alone, and don’t be afraid to dig deep and uncover things from your past that were left unfinished. The only way to move forward is to heal your old wounds, practice self-acceptance, and learn to love yourself more. Your physical health is also in the spotlight this year so focus on creating healthy and positive routines that make you feel balanced and in control.

Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn opposed your Ascendant in 2020, producing many conflicts and personal discomfort. Moreover, Mars was retrograde in your house of career at the end of the year, which set the tone for a very frustrating and not very productive time at the office. The good news is that 2021 comes with big relief. You'll be able to breathe again and feel how a heavyweight just lifted from your shoulders. However, even if things feel more manageable now, you still have work to do in other areas. Saturn and Jupiter moved away from Pluto, into Aquarius, lighting up your house of material possessions, shared resources, sexuality & mystery.

This year, Saturn brings out issues regarding control, addictions, and power struggles. This transit can bring profound transformation and healing, once you make peace with your issues and start working on them. This transit also brings forward matters related to the banking system, your partners’ assets (or debts), and inheritances. If you are behind with your taxes, legal paperwork, or contracts, it’s a good time to get the job done. Jupiter is also joining Saturn in 2021, bringing some optimism and growth in these areas and helping you overcome difficult situations with a sprinkle of luck.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is transiting your house of social connection, large groups, and communities. In 2021, a hard aspect from Saturn will turn February, June, and December into battlefields. You might feel tension around your friendships and social circles. Stop trying to please everyone and don’t change unless you want to, not because someone else is pressuring you to. You'll go deep into some dark areas this year, seeking to learn the truth and looking to get clear answers to your questions. This will help you restructure your social life and help you let go of relationships that are no longer suiting you.

Jupiter dips in your house of higher learning, beliefs, and long-distance travel during the summer (May 13 - July 28) so you may feel the urge to book a trip to an exotic island, finish that course you’ve been postponing, or delve deep into philosophy or literature and start learning about new topics.

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