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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising ♑

After a hard 2020, the new year is here to finally bring you some relief and lift the weight you’ve been carrying around on your shoulders. 2021 is the year of finance, money and values. Jupiter just started its transit through your house of money and possessions and is there to present you with an opportunity to grow your income and find new resources. This is also a perfect time to rethink your relationship with money and cultivate an abundance mindset. Work on your money issues, get rid of limiting beliefs surrounding money and start trusting yourself more.

Saturn is also present in your money area, so nothing worth having will come along quickly and without efforts. You’ll have to get down in the trenches, roll up your sleeves and work hard to achieve the financial status you desire. This transit will help you accumulate wealth if you are putting in the necessary work to grow your career or business. At times, you’ll feel stuck, frustrated and uninspired, but remember that Saturn loves commitment and perseverance, so make sure to show up every day for your dreams. And if there’s someone who can do this, it’s you, Capricorn.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is transiting your house of relaxation, creativity, sex & children. This long transit (which will last until 2026) is here to spice up the way you express yourself creatively. You can pick up new unusual hobbies, fall in and out of love in a blink of an eye, or develop an entirely new approach to love and sex. During February, June and December, you might feel some tensions regarding these topics. You might find yourself spending money with a new lover, investing in your newfound interests, or running out of funds after an unpredictable shopping spree that you couldn’t resist.

During the summer, Jupiter visits your house of communication (May 13 - July 28). This is a favorable and pleasant transit which can give you luck in pursuing new hobbies, going on short trips, or studying. Taking a course to expand your knowledge will prove to be a wise decision. You can learn a new language, start a blog or write a book. Jupiter will be back in this position from December 29 until May next year, so you can use this time to build the foundation of your new interests.

With the North Node highlighting your house of health, wellness and daily routines, now it’s the time to ditch bad habits and lay the foundation for a more nourishing lifestyle. The North Node is in Gemini, so you’ll research and surf the internet a lot in search of the best diet, the best smoothie recipe, the best marathon shoes, and the list goes on. Last year there was a lot of pressure surrounding your spirituality and mental health. Finally, 2021 shows you some light and wants to pull you out of the shade. It’s time to get out into the world and regain excitement for your day-to-day activities.

Towards the end of the year (Dec 19 - Jan 1, 2022), Venus goes Retrograde in your first house of self. Retrogrades are times for review and recalibration. Take this time to reevaluate your love life, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Capricorns are champions of thinking bad about themselves. Try to create some space between you and the challenging experiences you had. Most importantly, put yourself first and channel your energy towards yourself. Self-love is an act of care and it supports your emotional, spiritual, and psychological growth. Plant the seeds now to enjoy the rewards later. An old lover may get in touch or suddenly reappear into your life.

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