Welcome to my latest series about Chiron in your Natal Chart.

Chiron, often referred to as the wounded healer in natal astrology, is a small Solar System body in outer space that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron was discovered on November 1, 1977, and is used exclusively in Modern Astrology.

Its significance in astrology is tied to deep-seated wounds, vulnerabilities, and the potential for profound healing. In the natal chart, the placement of Chiron provides insight into areas of personal struggle and the potential for transformative growth.

Some astrologers believe that uncovering the sign of Chiron and the house where it resides in your natal chart is the key to unlocking potential and healing past-life trauma.

Let's dive in:

How to locate your Chiron Placement

I recommend using an online calculator such as Astro.com or Astro-Seek.com. Calculate your birth chart and locate the key-shaped symbol (⚷) in your birth chart/in the planetary position table. On Astro.com, make sure to select 'Chiron' from the asteroid list to be displayed.

Chiron in Aries Keywords

The sign of Aries is all about individuality, strong-headedness, willpower, direction, assertiveness, and moving forward. Chiron here will bring to the surface all the insecurities and issues surrounding these main themes.

unclear self-identity, individuality struggles, impulsivity, lack of initiative, selfishness, self-discovery, independence vs. interdependence, assertiveness, initiating change, vitality, not taking enough risks, rediscovering personal strength.

With Chiron in Aries, you have the Wound of Self-Worth.

Chiron in Aries manifests as a deep-seated belief in your unworthiness. Feelings of inadequacy may be a constant companion. You don't feel good enough or special enough; perhaps you are constantly in your head, criticizing your reasoning and actions.

Self-sabotage and limiting beliefs

You might find a tendency to self-sabotage as a recurring theme. This could stem from a fear of success or a belief that you don't deserve positive outcomes. While you may appear calm and cool on the surface, there is a lot of unexpressed rage underneath.

Always trying to prove yourself can be draining. External validation trumps internal acceptance in your case, leaving you feeling unloved, unworthy, and unable to relax.

Looking for external validation

You are constantly apologizing for simply being who you are or might not even know who you are. You are overly sensitive to criticism, and taking feedback is the hardest thing to do.

This placement is challenging and requires a lot of inner work over an extended period. The lesson is to believe in your own power and to step up when you need to show up for yourself. Your independence is both a blessing and a curse.

For more information on where this energy is expressing itself in your life the most, check to see the House* where Chiron is placed. This will give you a better idea of the overarching themes and how they affect you.

*Not sure what Houses are? Don't worry, read my article on this.

Houses in Astrology: Beginner’s Guide & Overview
Welcome to the fascinating world of astrological houses, where these slices come to life, revealing the intricate tapestry of your being.