As the Moon moves in cycles, so do we. Full Moons are the perfect time to release and clear energies so you can finally move on and finalize whatever projects you have on hold.

Every 29.5 days, the Moon reaches its culmination peak before starting its Waning Gibbous lunar phase in which it starts losing intensity. The 'Blood Moon' is the first full one of the fall in the Northern hemisphere and holds a special significance. Also known as the 'Hunter's Moon', it signals the time to go hunting in preparation for the cold winter ahead. This year, on October 20, 2021, the Blood Moon will occur in the fiery sign of Aries at 27°26’.

Aries is the sign of action, war, and passion, and anything under its influence tends to be rushed, set on fire, or done in the spur of the moment. On top of Aries' legendary impulsiveness, at the time of this Full Blood Moon, we'll be experiencing what astrologers call a T-square on cardinal signs. This will further elevate frustrations and bring everything to a boiling point. Buckle up; it's not going to be an easy week.

Key aspects & transits this week:

  • Sun square to Pluto
  • Mars trine Jupiter
  • Full Blood Moon in Aries
  • Mars conjunct Sun in Libra
  • Chiron opposition Mercury
  • Mars square Pluto


This week it's time to focus on yourself and learn how to manage your emotions better. The Full Blood Moon will bring attention to the way you express yourself & how others perceive you. You may feel under pressure, and trapped, and feel like you need to stand up for yourself in front of others. Drama can make its grand entrance if you don't cultivate self-restraint.


That secret thing you kept in the dark for so long is ready to surface and make room in your life. This week you should focus on confronting your demons. Put your mental health first and stop running away. Eventually, your past will get you, and when it does, you should have enough power and self-confidence to deal with whatever life throws at you.


A lot of tension this week, Gemini. You have been holding back and allowing the people around you to do whatever they wanted. But you finally feel like it's time to end the toxic relationships you may be in. Endings are not pretty, but sometimes moving on requires swift & uncomfortable decisions. Beware of arguing with others; you can focus your energy on better things.


This week you are questioning your career and life direction. Be honest with yourself: are you really happy with where you're heading? It's time to assess your current situation. However, it would be best if you resisted impulsive changes. Instead, try to make pros & cons lists or journals to gain some clarity. Wait at least two weeks before you decide to burn it all down as you might come to better terms with yourself by then.


It's time to put those wild dreams on paper and figure out how you can make them happen. Your purpose in this world is much more than you might be believing. Having high ideals is fantastic, but sudden, scattered bursts of energy will not help you get there. If you have already started working on something, this is the time to make some progress. Channel that fiery energy to keep going.︎


This week it's time to re-evaluate your material world in connection to other people. A relationship always involves an energy exchange in one form or another. What have the people around you given you and how much did you spend to make them feel better? Is this equitable or are you selling yourself short? It's time to put yourself and your needs first.


Being in partnerships is something that defines you well, Libra. It's not like you cannot survive on your own, but more that you crave other people's companionship. This week you have to take responsibility for your romantic and more formal commitments and honor your promises. You may start to notice some not-so-obvious things about these people. Are their intentions what they seem to be for real? Can you fully trust them? Time to do some digging to find out.


Next week is the time to concentrate on your work. You may have unfinished projects that need your attention asap or coworkers that require your presence more. Beware of disputes at work, especially if you are the one with an itch to start a conflict. Back off, this road leads nowhere. Alternatively, you can also focus a bit on your overall well-being and health. Is there a bad habit that you are struggling to break? Have you neglected your health recently? If so, do something about it.


This week sheds light on the fun side of your life. Your steamy affairs and romantic interest will take the center of the stage. You may feel impulsive, and eager to take some new risks. Are you living your life to the fullest? What is the missing piece of the puzzle? You'll get a fair share of drama, so try not to make any decisions in the spur of the moment. Spontaneity is fantastic, but breaking up with people via SMS is not.


︎It's going to be one intense week, Capricorn. All the secrets and lies you've been telling yourself about your family will finally surface. You'll see everything in a new light. Alternatively, if they are keeping something hidden from you, you'll probably discover what that is. You'll be emotionally challenged during this time and your bottled-up feelings are about to explode. It's a weird time, so remember to breathe.


Have you been gossiping with your friends lately, Aquarius? What goes around comes around. What you shared on Social Media recently may come back to haunt you. You may have an unpleasant surprise to find out you are also a target of poisonous rumors. Beware of how you communicate and express yourself this week. You can be more intense than usual, which could trigger the people around you negatively.


Money, money, money! This week you'll be focusing on your finances. It's time to stop avoiding those bank statements and start analyzing your spending habits objectively. Is there any debt to be repaid? Or are you saving for a bigger purchase? Either way, you have to take more responsibility and make strides toward completing your goal. You are not too good at following self-imposed rules, so ask someone to keep you accountable. Try to resist impulsive shopping if you don't want to see a negative balance.