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Gemini & Gemini Rising ♊

2021 represents the start of a new chapter. The North/South Node axis will be in Gemini/Sagittarius all year, putting you in the spotlight. Your house of self is heavily activated. That means you’ll be in the pursuit of becoming the best version of yourself. This is a time to put yourself first and think about your own wishes, desires, and aspirations, rather than trying to please other people.

You need to keep busy in 2021. Geminis can start writing, journaling, going to counseling, trying out new sports to calm their agitated minds, or going on short-distance trips to visit nearby attractions. The South Node in Sagittarius will make you reconsider the way you connect with other people. It’s time to let go of unsatisfying, consuming, and toxic relationships and start taking better care of yourself.

Uranus continues its transit to your house of spirituality, past, isolation, and self-undoing (lasting until Apr 2026). Time to shake up your beliefs, secrets, unexpressed emotions, or hidden thoughts. Uranus makes you question your values to understand your shadow and hidden self better. Work on developing self-acceptance and unconditional self-love. Cleaning the skeletons in your closets may bring suffering at first, but sweeping everything under the carpet will not serve you well in the long run. Gather your courage and do right by yourself, Gemini.

This year, Saturn's tense aspect with Uranus will seek to structure your mind and give you a different direction. You may feel frustrated, trapped, and unsure of how to move forward, especially during February, June, and December 2021. You'll be asking yourself a lot of questions surrounding your current situation. This is an excellent time to try and bring more meaning and purpose into your life. You can develop some gifts or talents you may have, join a spiritual community, or form a group of people who can help you find your balance. You might feel the urge to run away and spend some time in seclusion to recharge your batteries, and you might feel separated from society at some point during 2021.

Saturn in Aquarius activates the house of higher learning, so you can find yourself looking to expand your knowledge, seek to receive mentorship, invest in your education, or even teach other people. This transit encourages 'serious' learning rather than taking an online class. Don't get discouraged if you'll encounter setbacks or difficulties along the way. Saturn has a reputation for making things harder, but this is for your own good. Any kind of learning that has an official dimension to it and that can impact your career development in the long term is highly regarded by Saturn and will boost your professional life in 2022. You may find a renewed interest in traveling, meeting foreign people, and being eager to explore different cultures.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Jupiter joins Neptune in your house of career during the summer (May 13 - July 28), and then at the end of the year and first half of 2022, opening up new possibilities for your professional life. Geminis can find a new vocation, think about their dreams, and start imagining how it would be to turn them into reality. Approach your quest for a different purpose with compassion, empathy, and with an open heart to find new paths to explore.

Neptune is an idealist, and so you will too. You’ll seek a higher calling in what you do for a living, and sometimes might even forget about practical aspects. No worries though, you have lucky Jupiter to have your back. And as long as you put in the effort, Jupiter, also known as the Greater Benefic, will make sure that the Universe will send you a much-awaited opportunity.

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