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Leo & Leo Rising ♌

In 2021, Saturn and Jupiter want you to focus on your relationships, Leo. This transit seeks to help lay a new foundation of how you relate to partnerships, both romantic and business ones. Leos Risings will experience tensions in this area for the next three years, 2021 being the first leg of this journey. Saturn makes everything it touches more serious.

You might (un)voluntarily test your relationships or be put in a position where you discover that they are not what you expected at all. You can feel disappointed and let down, or you can wake up one day and decide to walk away from people who are undeserving of your care and love. On the bright side, the relationships that pass the test of Saturn have a lot of potential to grow, bloom, and bring a lot of joy into your life in the upcoming years. Jupiter also transits the house of partnerships, so there are many reasons to stay optimistic. You’ll have the chance to cultivate and grow the relationships that matter to you and even start better ones.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

You’ll be a social butterfly this year. The North Node in Gemini sits in your house of social circles, groups, and ideas, which will help you make new acquaintances, build your Rolodex, and connect with people who share similar values, principles, or interests. Perfect time to make new friends, consolidate the relationships you already have, and enjoy sharing moments with others. This transit aims to help you get out there, listen to new ideas, understand different perspectives, get acquainted with a lot of people, and have fun!

Uranus continues its transit in your house of career, social status, and reputation, which is a long one lasting until 2026. Uranus is set to disrupt your professional life, bring up surprises around your reputation and social status, set you up on a new course, make you change careers, or go freelance. This may take a while to unfold, but pay close attention to this area, especially if you are already convinced that you have everything figured out. Uranus loves to be unpredictable, explosive, and impulsive, so don’t take anything for granted. You may find yourself failing only to rise higher than ever before.

In 2021, a square aspect between Uranus and Saturn will pressure both your professional life and your relationships in February, June, and December 2021. These two can clash explosively, or some impulsive actions may precipitate things and escalate situations to the point of explosion. Pay attention to these possible tensions between your work duties and your social obligations, and do your best to keep your temper, Leo.

Jupiter briefly enters your house of material possessions, shared resources, sexuality & mystery during the summer (May 13 - July 28). Jupiter here brings an increased sex appetite, the possibility of getting an inheritance or settling an old debt, and the need to tie up loose ends from your past and heal trauma.

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