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Libra & Libra Rising ♎

2021 is the year of fostering creative expression. If 2020 put a lot of pressure on your home and family situation, that is now all behind and you have a new focus. Saturn and Jupiter just started their transits through your house of creativity, children, sex, and love. You’ll be presented with opportunities to unleash your creative spirit, and you’ll be searching for new ways to express yourself. And even if you will encounter a creator’s block at some point, it’s important to give yourself time and space to cultivate your craft.

Saturn will bring a degree of seriousness to all this so you may feel limited at some point during the year. You can feel like you are unable to relax at times or you can feel low-energy in social settings. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and try to pick up some relaxing hobbies or habits to unwind when things get weird. Children can become an important topic in the upcoming. You’ll have your fair share of difficulties in your love life. However, thanks to Jupiter, also known as the Greater Benefic, you’ll be able to push through and you’ll end up in a better place at the end of the year. Jupiter is a happy influence and likes to expand, so take on new lovers, become a bit hedonistic, and lay back to enjoy life.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is transiting your house of material possessions, shared resources, and sexuality. Next year, Saturn will be making tense aspects to Uranus, therefore creating a link between your creativity, children, or love life, and your spouse’s finances or sexuality. Be aware of any themes around these topics in February, June and December.

The North Node in Gemini lights up your house of higher learning, travel, wisdom, and philosophical beliefs. You'll get a shiny new pair of wings this year, to guide your steps far away from home, on new adventures and to exotic places. 2021 will equip you with a different belief system, a desire to achieve independence, and insight into how you want your world to look in the upcoming years. This year offers a fantastic opportunity to continue your education, start that master's degree, or dare to sign up for a PhD. You can meet foreign people, get to know different cultures, and even start learning a new language.

Your personal relationships were a bit tense in 2020. The good news is that Mars will finally leave this area of your life behind, after putting a lot of tension and stress in there. Your partnerships will be more harmonious now that this transit is over, and at the beginning of the year, you’ll even get a boost in sexual appetite.

Jupiter will briefly dip into your house of health, wellness & work between May 13 and July 28. If you had health problems in the past, this transit should bring a happy resolution. Conflicts with your coworkers will get a swift and mutually beneficial solution, and your day-to-day routines will bring you more joy than ever. You’ll pick up healthy habits, feel full of energy, and be in fantastic shape. Between May and July, you’ll only get a preview of this transit. 2022 will bring even more good stuff your way once Jupiter carries out its entire transit in this area.

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