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Pisces & Pisces Rising ♓

2021 is the year of self-care. Saturn and Jupiter just started their transit through your house of mental health, isolation, and hidden thoughts. 2021 is the start of a period in which you'll reshape your mind and you'll learn how to let go of negative emotions and toxic patterns. This will not be easy, but everything you do in 2021 will lay the foundation for a healthier you. This is the time to explore the things that hold you back and not be afraid to look the ghosts of the past right in the eye.

Saturn is a heavy planet with 'serious' vibes. Insecurity, anxiety, or even depression might be knocking on your door, so don't be scared to ask for help and support if you feel overwhelmed. Your mental health should be your top priority this year. Learn how to take better care of yourself before you take care of others. Jupiter is also transiting this area, bringing some optimism into your life. This is an auspicious time to start a spiritual practice or learn about various philosophical systems. New ideas can help to give a new perspective on an old problem.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

You are faced with a long-term transit from Uranus lasting until 2026, affecting your communication skills, mental activity, education, and travels. Your mind will feel restless, and require a lot of stimulation and information. You may be studying a lot, but that doesn't mean you'll memorize everything, so be careful not to burn the midnight oil for nothing.

During February, June, and December, there will be some tensions between Saturn and Uranus, bringing up issues surrounding the way you communicate ideas. This transit can make you feel confused, and affect your confidence and the way you present yourself in front of other people. You might feel isolated from the rest of the world, or experience some sudden events that can put you off track.

Between May 13 and July 28, Jupiter will briefly touch your house of self, body & personality. This is a preview of a transit that will fully unfold at the end of the year and into 2022. Jupiter will bring optimism, confidence, and many auspicious moments to start new projects. Let go of old beliefs about yourself and look towards the future while building a new self.

This year, the Node North is transiting your house of family and home. You have to learn how to stay present and close to your loved ones this year. Plant deep roots and enjoy the little moments spent at home with your family. Communication is essential for you to better understand yourself and others, so don’t be afraid to express your emotions and listen to your loved ones. You’ll be a homebody this year, with a renewed interest in making your house as cosy as possible. Your home is your sanctuary, so why not make it a wonderful place to be in?

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