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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising ♐

2021 is the year of expressing yourself, Sagittarius. Saturn and Jupiter are now transiting your house of communication, education and short travel. You are encouraged to find new ways to express your thoughts, communicate, and learn through experience and observation. You can travel on short distances for work and pleasure, and also you can decide to continue your education by enrolling into a new course.

It’s required to learn how to send a message across effectively. The road to becoming an experienced communicator will not be smooth though, Saturn putting obstacles and challenges along the way. Navigate miscommunications with a positive mind, Jupiter is also there to help you expand your knowledge and give you some well-deserved extra luck when needed. Drive safely this year, especially when you leave town.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is putting gas on fire around your wellness, health & work routines until 2026. You’ll be surprised by unpredictable events that can turn out to be life-changing or produce a substantial shift in your work/life balance. And this year, Saturn comes along and puts some more pressure on these areas due to some problematic planetary aspects in February, June and December.

2021 will have an explosive start, and you’ll find more energy to put into your work, routines & schedules. However, you’ll be more impulsive and reckless, so think twice before taking a radical decision that can have long-term consequences on your wellbeing. Or better yet, postpone anything major until the spring of 2021.

This year, the North Node in Gemini sits in your house of relationships. If you’re single, you can finally find someone to share all your big ideas with. If you are in a couple, it’s time to rediscover your partner, consolidate your relationship and learn how to better communicate with them. 2021 is also about giving attention to other people, being considerate and listening to what other people in your life have to say. Sometimes is hard to shut up and listen, but making this effort will serve you well.

During the summer (May 13 - July 28), Jupiter will briefly visit the area of your home and family. This positive transit will further unfold into the first half of 2022. Your family life and living situation will be blessed, and you’ll find a way to be at home with your family in harmony. You’ll feel more generous towards your loved ones. This is an auspicious time to move to a bigger house, renovate, or welcome a new family member.

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