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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising ♏

2021 will be dedicated to your house and family. Saturn and Jupiter have recently started their transits through this area of your life. You’ll be solving old family problems, navigating some tough situations, or revisiting the subject of your current living situation and trying to figure out how to improve things constructively. This is the moment to consolidate your relationship with your family and strengthen your ties. It will be a time-consuming process, with some obstacles on the way, but what you build during this time, you’ll enjoy later on in life.

Saturn brings tough love, but thankfully Jupiter is there to help you grow, be generous with your affection, and find the positive even in the most difficult situations. You’ll make some hard decisions during this transit and decide you need to restructure your family life, move to a new house or renovate, or even draw a line and start again, this time building a more sustainable foundation for your future domestic life.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Uranus is shaking up your relationship sector until 2026. This transit will make your personal and business relationships unpredictable, and unstable, and will bring you many surprises in the most unexpected ways, without any prior notice. You are on a quest to regain your freedom, cultivate independence, and find excitement in your relationships.

This year, Saturn will put some more pressure on this area, especially in February, June, and December. There is a tension between your family life and the desire to be free, without anything holding you back. You can feel frustrated, blocked, or even trapped in the current situation, and you’ll try to find a way to reconcile the need to have a stable home and an exciting love life at the same time.

The North Node in Gemini lights up your house of sexuality, shared resources, and mystery. Your sex drive will go up and you’ll want to find new ways of expressing your desires through words. Your partners’ money will come up as a theme this year, and you can also get an inheritance or some kind of funding or sponsorship. South Node in your house of money and possessions wants you to be more generous with your own assets. Be sure that what you put into the world, you’ll attract back, Scorpio.

Jupiter will briefly enter your house of creativity, love, and children between May 13 and July 28. This is a short yet very beneficial and harmonious transit, which will play out towards the end of the year and into the first half of 2022. You’ll be more creative than ever, expansive, happy, and very lucky in love and sex matters.

2020 was a hard year at work, with Mars giving you a period in which you had to double the effort to get the same results. You also have some health difficulties and fluctuating energy levels which have slowed down your daily activities and overall routine. The good news is that 2021 brings a huge relief in these areas and you’ll be back on your horse in no time, starting with January 6.

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