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Taurus & Taurus Rising ♉

2021 starts with a tour de force. Mars will be transiting through your sign (Jan 6 - Mar 2), supplying you with a lot of energy. New year, new resolutions is a good mantra for you. This is the time to reset yourself, set new intentions, and invest all your energy into your personal well-being. Set yourself for success and push past obstacles by setting clear objectives in all areas of your life.

Uranus’s long transit through your sign (lasting until 2026) will give you a little push to experiment more and question the things you know about yourself. Uranus wants you to be more adventurous, and take risks, even if sometimes it seems that everything is turned upside down. During January, Uranus and Mars will electrify and push your limits to the point of explosion. Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint. Refrain from making significant changes in the spur of the moment. Instead, discover new creative outlets to invest that surplus of energy you have and also find some healthy way of releasing the tension you feel so you don’t implode.

This year will heavily be focused on themes surrounding your professional life. The duo of Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius enters into your house of career, which will receive a lot of attention this year. Saturn’s presence here indicates that things are about to get serious and more responsibilities will come your way. The Greater Benefit, Jupiter, is also present here so you'll get a helping hand when things get frustrating. Saturn may bring obstacles and challenges at the office but don’t get discouraged, you have plenty of amazing opportunities awaiting just behind the corner.

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

In February, June & December 2021, challenging aspects between Saturn and Uranus will cause a possible crisis. You may discover that who you really are and what you do for a living no longer match. Or feel like you are being held back by the restrictions of the corporate world. Unpredictable events will determine you to find new ways of supporting yourself in a more aligned way with your life purpose and desires. You have an opportunity here to shake up old beliefs and go in a different professional direction. This can mean that you land a new job, change your focus entirely and shift careers, or go on your own and start your own business.

The North Node is sitting in your house of possessions, indicating a renewed interest in how you make money. This is a lucky sign, Taurus! You won’t win the lottery, but it does mean that you can solve some old blockages surrounding money issues. New funds will easily flow your way if you are willing to put in the time and effort to make your business lucrative. This is a time to accumulate and get rid of outdated and damaging money beliefs. You can now heal your self-esteem, rethink your value systems and demand more in return for your valuable work. Shift your mindset for a better relationship with your personal finances.

Jupiter will briefly support the extension of your social network and friends circles during the summer (May 13 - Jul 28). You can enter a new group with similar interests and get acquainted with like-minded individuals. New friends may help and support your new professional projects. This is just a preview of a transit that will unfold in 2022. The best is yet to come!

Venus will visit your sign in the spring (Apr 14 - May 8), making you more friendly, outgoing, and interested in your image. You can get a makeover or discover new interests in art, home décor, beauty, or fashion. Venus in Taurus is a position of comfort, luxury, and all things beautiful. Feel free to indulge and spoil yourself a bit but with a measure.

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