The North Node is a powerful point in your birth chart that represents your karmic destiny and life purpose. By understanding its position and meaning, you can unlock your full potential and live a more fulfilling life.

How to find it:

  • Calculate your birth chart using an online tool. I recommend Astro Seek.
  • Take a look at the Planetary Positions table (on the right of the screen).
  • Find the ☊ North Node (M) and identify the sign and house in which it is placed.
  • Read both the interpretation of the sign/house to find your true meaning.
  • The house placement is often more important in my opinion, but the sign can also show you the path towards a life that is aligned to your mission on this Earth.

North Node in Aries / 1st House

You are here to be independent. To stand in your own truth. To be exactly who you want to be, without compromising for others. Having the North Node in Aries also signifies a need to cultivate courage and assertiveness. Embrace challenges and take risks, as this will help you develop your leadership abilities and pioneer new paths. Learn to trust your instincts and pursue your passions fearlessly.

North Node in Taurus / 2nd House

You are here to accumulate wealth and enjoy life. Feel free to enjoy the luxuries and pleasures of life. Strive for comfort and a calm environment. Develop patience and perseverance in your pursuit of financial success. Consider exploring the connection between nature and abundance, as connecting with the earth and creating a harmonious environment can enhance your overall well-being.

North Node in Gemini / 3rd House

You are here to spread information. To educate others. To be part of local communities. Cultivate your native curiosity to learn about the world. Engage in lifelong learning, as your curiosity will lead you to discover new horizons. Develop your communication skills to effectively share your knowledge and connect with others.

North Node in Cancer / 4th House

You are here to be nurturing and bring a sense of home to others. Dedicate yourself to building a loving home for your family. You are the glue that holds the family together. Be aware, creating a loving home extends beyond your immediate family, including a sense of belonging and community. Explore ways to nurture yourself and others, and develop your intuitive abilities to enhance your caregiving qualities.

North Node in Leo / 5th House

You are here to share your creativity with the world. You have to shine brighter than ever. Stand in your own light and don't be shy. You are here to leave a long-lasting impression on others. Develop self-confidence and step into the spotlight without fear of judgment. Cultivate your natural talents and showcase your abilities. Remember that leaving a lasting impression on others often requires authenticity and a genuine passion for what you do.

North Node in Virgo / 6th House

You are here to be of service to others. Dedicate yourself to social causes. Take care of people. Be the voice of reason. Dedicate yourself to personal growth and self-care while extending your helping hand to others. Develop practical skills that can benefit both yourself and those around you. Strive for excellence and embrace humility in your pursuit of being of service.

North Node in Libra / 7th House

You are here to build relationships. Dedicate yourself to mediating conflicts. Be the balanced and reasonable one in any room. Help people reach a consensus. Cultivate a sense of fairness and balance in your interactions with others. Develop your decision-making skills while navigating uncertainty. Embrace collaboration and seek win-win solutions that foster harmony and cooperation in all areas of your life.

North Node in Scorpio / 8th House

You are here to transform yourself and others. You have to dig deep to find your true calling. Material possessions no longer excite you. Build a spiritual practice instead. Explore the realms of psychology and spirituality to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Embrace transformational experiences that push you out of your comfort zone. Develop resilience and inner strength as you embark on your journey of self-discovery.

North Node in Sagittarius / 9th House

You are here to explore the world and gain knowledge. Travel far away to find yourself. Study, discover new religions, get excited by sharing different ideas with people all over the world. You are a global citizen. Embrace the adventure and seek experiences that expand your horizons. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning and personal growth. Cultivate an open mind and engage in meaningful conversations with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Academic work can be rewarding.

North Node in Capricorn / 10th House

You are here to build a prosperous future for yourself. You need to dedicate yourself to becoming a household name in your industry. Build a public image. Dedicate yourself to hard work and perseverance in your chosen field. Develop your leadership skills and take on positions of authority. Create a solid foundation for your ambitions and establish a reputation for excellence and reliability. You have what it takes.

North Node in Aquarius / 11th House

You are here to analyze humanity and make the world a better place. Dedicate yourself to social activism and advocate for positive change in the society. Serve large groups of people. Find your tribe or start one. Be a true leader of the 21st Century. Seek out like-minded individuals and build communities that support your ideals. Embrace your role as a forward-thinking leader and use your intellect to contribute to the betterment of society.

North Node in Pisces / 12th House

You are here to find spiritual enlightenment. Dedicate yourself to mastering the spiritual side of life. Dedicate yourself to a spiritual practice that resonates with you. Explore your intuitive abilities and develop a deeper connection with the unseen realms. Cultivate your creativity and express yourself through art, music, or other forms of creative expression. Use your spiritual insights to bring healing and upliftment to others.