Venus, the planet of love, romance, and money enters naughty Sagittarius today, November 16, and it will stay here until December 10th, 2022.

The powerful combo will make you crave steamy dates and hot sex. Sagittarius is a true explorer, so nothing is off the menu. No matter how conservative you are, this is the perfect time to let go and have some fun. You might find yourself flirting with the cute guy from the grocery store, texting with these cool guys from Tinder, or even reuniting with an old lover.

Take advantage of these amaaaziiing vibes and don’t be afraid to live life to the fullest! All is fair in love and war.

Want to know how this fun transit will affect your love life? Read your horoscope down below!


The perfect transit to explore other countries. If you have been postponing that trip forever, now it's time to pack your bags and explore a new culture. This transit also lights up your desire for knowledge so you might find yourself enrolling in that course you've been eyeing for a while.


Venus may bring you unexpected financial benefits in the form of an inheritance, or maybe your stock portfolio is doing better than expected. Money may flow to you effortlessly from other people. However, this is a tricky transit since Mars in your house of material possessions is retrograde. This is not exactly a smooth transit. Make sure you don't fall for financial scams and always analyze everything TWICE before you sign on a dotted line.


It's a good month for your personal relationships. Spending time with your significant other or even taking clients to lunch is always a good idea. However, you tend to have a big mouth so watch it! You may stir some drama if you're not careful enough. Mars retrograde in your 1st house can make you a bit cynical or even a bit mean towards others. Cultivate kindness every day! ❤️


Venus gives you the drive to start new healthy routines. You are more open than ever to exploring new ways of being active. Feeling like hitting the neighborhood gym? Great idea, you might even meet someone new there. After all, Venus brings romance. It is important to balance your mental health by exercising and picking up better routines. Venus is opposed by Mars RX, so remember to prioritize your own health before anything else.


This transit is right up your alley, Leo! New hobbies, new romances, new ways of living life to the fullest, you can have it all. Go ahead and let loose, it's your time to shine. This is a pleasant transit which brings many happy moments spent with your friends. Be careful though, too much of anything can be boring.


Venus brings excellent news at home. You feel good being surrounded by your loved ones. You might even consider a house makeover! Venus brings beauty and you have quite the eye for details. This duo will for sure give you a much-needed poke to start redoing a thing or two around your home. Family might clash with work obligations in an annoying way. Can you balance the two?


This transit may bring many short-distance trips or more quality time with your siblings. You might use your native creativity to start new content projects or start a new journaling habit. You can start studying a new subject, preferably something art-related which comes from a far distance place. Sounds exciting!


During this transit, it's time to reap the benefits of your hard work and get a big paycheck. New business opportunities or ways to make money may be revealed to you during this time. However, make sure you know your new associates or clients well before going into business with them. Their actions may end up causing you financial headaches instead of bringing you joy.


This is a lovely transit for Sagittarius. Venus will bring you hope, and optimism, and will give you an overall sense of well-being and comfort. You are home here! Even the most grumpy person will find reasons to smile during this time. You can focus on yourself, expand your wings, and pick up everything you want - new hobbies, new lovers? The world is your playground!


Venus brings some relief in terms of your overall outlook toward life and mental health. You can be a somewhat gloomy person, so this transit is perfect if you were looking to start a new spiritual practice. Sagittarius is a sign of exploration without restrictions or borders, so don't be shy to try on meditation, Tai Chi, or even an ayurvedic self-care ritual.


This lovely transit lights up your friendships! You may expect some visits from abroad. Venus gives you a nudge to further expand your networking circles, start a new community or get involved with new groups of people. Take advantage of Venus in Sagittarius to meet new people and be out and about!


Your career really takes off during this transit. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and you have a really big opportunity coming up so make sure you pay attention to the signs around you. Are you about to change your job? Get a promotion? Move abroad for work? All possible! Venus in Sagittarius wants you to dream BIG and get behind the wheel in terms of where your career is heading.