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Virgo & Virgo Rising ♍

This year is the time to expand your career, Virgo. The North Node in Gemini is transiting through your house of career, social status, and reputation. This brings a lot of growth opportunities at the office and can help you make influential friends. 2021 is the year to speak up, share ideas, and network. The South Node lights up the area around home & family, and it wants to push you out the door and kick you into the world. This is not a time to be isolated at home, but a time to build your career and professional future.

Saturn and Jupiter have entered Aquarius in December 2020, starting a transit through your house of health, wellness, and routines. Time to ditch bad habits, set up your daily routines and aim to become more productive in how you conduct your day-to-day activity. Saturn’s transit can uncover some health issues that will affect your well-being for the next years, but happily, Jupiter, also known as the Great Benefit, is also transiting through that area mitigating the negative Saturnian energies. You are pretty good at setting objectives, solving problems, and making things work flawlessly. So why not invest your energy into making sure you are well and balanced?

You already got a preview of this transit during the spring/summer of 2020, between March 21 and July 1. Think back to identify your life's major themes from that period to better understand what 2021 has in store for you. In December 2020, Saturn began a new 3-year-long transit through this area of your life, so the topics brought up this year will impact your life in 2022 & 2023 as well.

Until 2026, Uranus continues its long-term transit through your house of higher education, travel, and philosophy. This is set to disrupt your views of the world and help you break free and get away from your limiting beliefs. In 2021, Saturn will square Uranus putting your daily routine or health under pressure when you are presented with some major disruptive and unpredictable forces that turn your life upside down. You can pick up new beliefs or get immersed into a new religion or philosophical system that is quite different from what you’ve experimented with before. The months that you should pay attention to are February, June, and December 2021.

Jupiter briefly enters your house of personal relationships between May 13 and July 28. This short and sweet transit is only a preview of what 2022 has in store for you. If you’re single, this is the time to start dating and meeting new people. You’ll be genuinely interested in socializing and expanding your love life. You can find a new partner, get married, or if you are already married, you and your partner can renew your vows and start a new cycle in your relationship.

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